

The school building combine elegance and majesty required for an institution of learning. Safety and security of children has been of utmost importance.

Class Room

Sarvottam Public School class rooms are large and airy with abundant natural light to provide the right ambience for an effective learning experience at school.


Provides the students with scope for browsing the pages of books on diverse topics

Physical Education

The campus has large and extensive playing fields. Students will be encouraged to participate in all kinds of sports and games for physical fitness and mental alertness. Facilities like tennis, kabaddi, volleyball, hockey, carom, table tennis and badminton are also available.


Our teachers are selected based on expertise as for qualities such as dedication, patience and devotion. They inculcate desire in the young mind to learn and excel.

Computer Lab

The computer Lab of the Sarvottam Public school is one of the most modern labs which any school would have it. The lab has installed PIV Computers.


Sarvottam Public School properly installed system of school security cameras is an important tool for ensuring safety on school..

Health Care

There will be a qualified nurse to look after the children's health and regular doctor visit.

Transport Facilities

Sarvottam Public School have our own bus to avoid the problems of hired vehicles, Bus services are extended around Ten kms. From the school.


Sarvottam Public School properly installed system of school security cameras is an important tool for ensuring safety on school..


There will be a qualified nurse to look after the children's health and regular doctor visit.

School Timings

Winter:- 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

Summers:- 7:30 am to 1:30 pm